Enimem slim shady album mp3
Enimem slim shady album mp3

It is not surprising to find out that Dr.Dre was behind it. The overall production on this album is outstanding. This is exactly what hip hop needed at the time, and something Eminem needed as well, and it paid off as this project led Eminem to commercial success, something really ironic when looking at the goal for this record. Other examples such as the eerie tracks “ I just dont give a F*ck” and “Still dont give a F*ck”, perfectly sum up Eminem’s approach for the album, how he does not care what people think about him or the record, saying whatever is on his mind, showing no care for the consequences. The mood of the song is laid back and could even be described as “depressing”, but thats the mood that Eminem is trying to convey and his delivery is exceptional on the track. Songs such as If I Had, showcase how Eminem is fed up with being poor and not having very much. While there are comedic elements to this album, there are elements which are very introspective and provide a sense of realism to the life of Eminem. There are funny “skits” throughout the album, such as Public Service Announcement where a radio broadcaster warns the listener about the dark content and use of foul language, but does so by using foul language and suggestive themes. One of the best aspects of the record, is the amount of personality that shines through this album, which is partly due to the comedic approach it takes.

enimem slim shady album mp3 enimem slim shady album mp3

The comedic feel was done correctly, as it did not come across as “corny” whatsoever, and without the comedic feel, Eminem might have come across as a monster who wants to kill his wife. The way in which he conveys his themes, and his lyrical approach were done in a comedic way, where even though what he might be saying is dark and twisted, there is a dark comedic undertone which allows the listener to not take his lyrics in a literal context. Multi-syllabic and internal rhyming schemes was something Eminem seemed to master on this album, and while the lyrical ability was technical, his delivery was really laid back, making it seem so effortless with what he was doing. Eminem showcased lyrical and technical ability over legendary Dr.Dre production. Before Eminem and this record, the hip hop community did not receive white artists well, as they were viewed as artists who took hip hop in a corny direction( *cough* Vanilla Ice) and were only in it to make money, but when this record came out the whole perspective of Hip Hop changed.

enimem slim shady album mp3

However, his lyrical approach on this album is absolutely outstanding, and something very few artists can pull off. With the amount of criticism Eminem received after the release of Infinite, he decided to go with a “I don’t give a f*ck” attitude, promoting misogynistic, drug abusing and violent ideologies. While the overall quality of the album is that of divine nature, the content and overall theme of the record is the complete opposite. However, this was not a miracle in the traditional sense. After the commercial flop of his first album, Infinite, Eminem needed some type of miracle if he wanted to cement his place within Hip Hop’s pantheon. One of the most prominent rappers to come out of 90’s hip hop was Marshall Mathers, also known as Eminem or Slim Shady.

Enimem slim shady album mp3